Relatives desk Almere

From experience we know you have a lot to face in the period after the death. Because we are grateful for the trust placed in us, our services extend beyond just the funeral. In collaboration with the Relatives Desk, we want to support you in everything that comes after the death, with:


  • A personalized checklist;
  • An overview of organizations to unsubscribe to;
  • A lot of things are automatically arranged for you, such as canceling or transferring subscriptions, contracts, and accounts.
  • You will be provided extensive information that you can consult, according to your own needs.


With the help of the Relatives Desk, you will save a lot of time and unnecessary costs.

You will receive an account from us, which gives you an overview of all actions that need to be taken after death. The online checklist is automatically adjusted, based on the situation of the deceased and your situation as a relative. This way, you only see what is relevant to your situation.

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